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Tasha Ruegsegger

Do you have to ink the plate each time?

Priscilla Locke

Yes, I inked the plates each time I ran it through the press because I wanted a dark, crisp look.

Jeanne Hammerstrom

Love your cards! What type of die cutter do you use?

Priscilla Locke

Thanks Jeanne!

I have 3! I have an Epic 6, Big Shot and my electric die cutter is the Creative Cutter Inspiration by Pazzles.

A Le

I stumbled on your blog while looking into diy letterpress. Have you used the Letterpress L since this post? I'm curious if the Letterpress holds up after time, esp. reading about other users' experiences with Quickutz's plates. Thanks!!!

Priscilla Locke

The machine itself is very durable and I haven't had any problems with my plates like other users have. But I did come across this post by Box Car Press that recommends getting rid of the plates that come with it and purchasing custom photopolymer plates. I think this makes a huge difference in the quality of the imprint. Good luck!


Anne Schwenker

I've only seen demo videos on youtube,

it seems rather time consuming to make multiple cards, did you find this or does it go faster once you've gotten into a groove?

Priscilla Locke

Its definitely a labor of love but I once you get in the groove of things it goes faster.  It would be very time consuming if you only wanted to make 1 design each time. 

Elle Gould

I love this review! I bought my letterpress over the summer when I found it on sale at Hobby Lobby. I've used it twice since then. I did have problems with my plates cracking but I think that happened because the ones I bought were already slightly bent out of the box - seems like the cracks happened because they weren't flat plates and the machine flattened them. Does that make sense?

I would like to order my own plates but I'm not gifted in the design department so I have no idea where to even begin in designing my own plates.

I'm definitely inspired to break out my letterpress again and give it another go. Thanks!

Emily Robinson

Hi Priscilla,

Wondering how to go about printing on folded cards. Had you ended up doing that at all? Would you just need to rotate the plate 90 degrees, and print on the card laying flat? Guessing that you'd not be able to print on a 5" x 7" folded card due to the size of the machine? What would be the largest folded card size you can print? Thank you!!


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